Thursday, March 6, 2008

chapter 8

I thought that this chapter moved really fast compared to others. It was full of action and suspense as Rick Deckard "retired" one of his cliants. In this chapter the writer really moved into how Rick Deckard thinks and acts towards different instances and or people. Rick like many other people in this post apocalyptic world has an electric animal, that he has as an attempt at bringing himself back to a time of blue skies and rain that doesn't eat through the souls of ones shoes.
Rick is also a bounty hunter so as a living he has to seek and hunt down various illegally active androids, retiring them with his blaster pistol. In this chapter Rick ran into one of his bounty who was incidentally trying to kill him. Before they got into a scuffle that ended in the death of the andy, Rick and the andy were having a conversation. the android was posing as a partner that was sent to work with Deckard in the hunt for these androids. As they were talking the robot seemed to give himself away by admitting to Rick that he was actually one of his bounties, Polokov the robot that killed Dave Holden. It seems that Rick has a great deal of skill when it comes to knowing when one is an android or human, because in the cab before Polokov admitted to his identity, Rick already had the inkling that this man posing as a bounty hunter was Polokov the escaped android from mars, killer of Dave Holden.
P.K.D. looked into Ricks low flying relationship with Iran his wife that seems to be attached to her mood organ via umbilical cord. Rick says that he should have dropped her two years ago when he could have gotten rid of her. obviously he doesn't feel very affectionate for his wife, and even admits that the should be looking on for new mates. Rick also talks about how he has been attracted to female andriods, which he said gives him a very eerie feeling.

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